Lou's Bowls at a Royal Dinner for the King and Queen of Sweden (October 6, 2012)
Several of my bowls were selected for display on the head table at the gala dinner and celebration for the King and Queen of Sweden. The dinner was at the Hilton Hotel in Minneapolis on October 6, 2012. The photos were taken just before guests arrived. Photos were not allowed during the dinner. The dinner was hosted by the American Swedish Institute. Here are some photos of the bowls on the head table. The large aspen burl bowl on a pedestal sat right in front of the royal couple.
Lou's Bowls in the Chicago Botanic Garden's Exhibition The Hidden Art of Trees (April 30 – August 21, 2016)
The bowls in this exhibit are a 23" diameter black ash burl and a 15" diameter sugar maple burl. Both have been sold.
One of Lou's Bowls has been invited to be in a special exhibition at the American Swedish Institute in Minneappolis from Jan 20 to April 8, 2018. The exhibition is called CraftBOWL 101 Bowls and is an ambitious, wildly creative and one-of-a-kind collage of local and international handmade vessels that showcase the work of more than 101 different artists and organizations that ASI intersects with. It includes works in many mediums, and many organizations and institutions, including vessels that represent the work of The National Association of Swedish Handicraft Societies - Hemslöjden, the American Craft Council and the Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, for example. The installation showcases ASI's connection with the far-ranging Nordic and other networks that foster and propagate handmade diversity. The bowl selected for this exhibit is an 17" diameter black gum tupelo burl bowl and is shown below.
Watch a short Video of Lou Turning a Bowl, Describing the Process, and More
I was featured in a TV program broadcast on Jan 21, 2018. The program is called Making It Up North and is a production of WDSE•WRPT - Duluth, MN - channel 8. Click HERE to see a clip of my part of the episode. It will show how I got interested in wood turning, my approach/philosophy, me turning a bowl and teaching my class at the North House Folk School, and some views of where I live on the shore of Lake Superior.